ArcelorMittal Orbit in the Olympic Park
Daniel Bosia, Arup
Kathryn Findlay
I don't like the red spiral, and listening to the design process made it no better.
However, as Kathryn Findlay pointed out, we can't predict how it might take on a life of it's own, when it comes into existence.
The Euston Arch
Alan Baxtor
The London Gate in Aldgate
Fernando Donis
The Ebsfleet Horse
Mark Darley
the twentieth century is deeply antagonistic to markers, eg corbs city
Flicker city clusters, show particular parts of the city dominating our understanding of the city
Return to an almost classical experience of, a classical form of space.
A mapping of what becomes a spatial structure
Medium generic city, undifferentiated, generic, efficient, unmarked, Starbucks on every corner
The value of the wonderful illogicality of humans, veryu different form teenage mess and muddle.
Are buildings not markers?
Where does de cluttering come into it
The chair ended the discussion because it started to 'degenerate into a debate about our planning system'.
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